
My focus for this course was concept art, in particular looking at the art style and how I could develop finalised pieces of concept art that would show a story. To make this successful, I spent longer at the start of the project researching the different areas that I wanted to focus on. I chose to look into how I could combine nature and humans in an interesting way.

In terms of my concept art, I am pleased with the progression shown through the work to demonstrate the choices I made for the final pieces. I wanted to make sure I didn’t leave anything out, so focussed on one area at a time such as character design and nature separately to ensure that I went into depth in my research and the designs I came up with. I felt that I could have spent longer developing different characters in my character design concept art but am pleased with my decisions on the character overall.

I am also happy with the outcome of the animatics, as they portray what I wanted to show. I aimed to get 3 done to support the rest of the artwork and felt that each one tied in with the others whilst varying on what the focus is, for example I was able to look more closely at hand design with the second animatic whilst the first focused solely on the vines. The final animatic was useful for me to see how I could develop the series of artwork further in the future, whilst adding to the eeriness of the concept overall.

I am very pleased with how the final pieces came out and feel that work well together as a collection of images. In terms of style, I stuck to the style I originally planned to, based on my artwork throughout the project, and developed it for the final pieces.

Looking back at my plan of the second term and how I would carry out the rest of the project, I feel that I stuck to the tasks I set myself and for the most part the weekly deadlines. I was able to complete the majority of my research early on in the term but chose to look further into certain areas later in the term to help with some design choices such as the character designs. I am also happy with the outcome of my project in terms of following what I intended to produce when writing my individual learning plan, which states that I would produce concept art and still images with supporting animatics.

Overall, I am pleased with the projects outcome, and plan to create another part to the collection to tell more of the story, as well as adding more animation to one of the pieces.

Final Designs part 1

I started the collection of final pieces using one of my sketches from the previous post designing character concept art. From this I drew the line art and added the rest of the detail around the character to create this piece. As the first piece, I wanted it to show the merging of nature and humans. To do this, I decided to make it hard to tell where her hair ends and the plants begin as she is intertwined with nature.

Screen Shot 2018-04-19 at 19.32.44.png

Screen Shot 2018-04-19 at 19.32.55.png

hair vine final.png
Final piece – part 1

Character design decisions and moodboards

Having decided the character will be the focus of the collection of final pieces, I wanted to spend longer on character design. I put together some mood boards, highlighting what design choices I preferred and annotated for future reference.


facial expressions moodboardcharacter art stylesoutfits mood boardtree patterns












